Townhall – discuss budget/meet the candidates.
ClubhouseJoin Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 3400 0807 Passcode: 058568 Dial by your location Call-in Number: 1 305 224 1968 US 1 309 205 3325 Meeting ID: 814 3400...
Townhall – disscussion on by-laws
ClubhouseJoin Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 3400 0807 Passcode: 058568 Dial by your location Call-in Number: 1 305 224 1968 US 1 309 205 3325 Meeting ID: 814 3400...
Townhall – discussion on by-laws
ClubhouseJoin Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 3400 0807 Passcode: 058568 Dial by your location Call-in Number: 1 305 224 1968 US 1 309 205 3325 Meeting ID: 814 3400...
ClubhouseBOD Annual Meeting
ClubhouseJoin Zoom Meeting BOD Annual Meeting Meeting ID: 814 3400 0807 Passcode: 058568 Dial by your location Call-in Number: 1 305 224 1968 US 1 309 205 3325 Meeting ID:...
St. Patrick’s Day Party
ClubhouseThe lounge opens at 3:00; cornhole tournament 3:30, and restaurant opens at 4:00